The Happiest Place Short Film
Background Paint

A character sheet of a magical girl witch, Rosemary, done in Photoshop

A prop sheet of the magical girl witch Rosemary's favorite breakfast items, done in Photoshop

A prop sheet of doors for the 2-D short film series "Seyfriel," done in Photoshop

A character sheet of a sarcastic female mage, Valerie, done in Photoshop

A pair of color tests for a sarcastic female mage, Valerie, done in Photoshop

A prop sheet of magical weapons for mages, warriors, and rogues, done in Photoshop

A colored prop sheet of magical weapons for mages, warriors, and rogues, done in Photoshop

A character sheet and redesign of a rogue dwarf, Varric Tethras, from "Dragon Age: 2," done in Photoshop

A character lineup of the Cookie Mobsters and their rival troop from the SCAD short film, "Cookie Mobsters," done in Photoshop

An expression sheet for Red from the SCAD short film "The Happiest Place," done in Photoshop (designed by Alex Batchelor)

An expression sheet for Yellow from the SCAD short film "The Happiest Place," done in Photoshop (designed by Alex Batchelor)

An expression sheet for Blue from the SCAD short film "The Happiest Place," done in Photoshop (designed by Alex Batchelor)

A character turn for Marlon Blando from the SCAD short film "The Happiest Place," done in Photoshop (designed by Alex Batchelor)

A character turn for the "Bake it!" pixel version of Red from the SCAD short film "The Happiest Place," done in Photoshop

A character turn for the "Bake it!" pixel version of Yellow from the SCAD short film "The Happiest Place," done in Photoshop

A character turn for the "Bake it!" pixel version of Blue from the SCAD short film "The Happiest Place," done in Photoshop