The Happiest Place Short Film
Background Paint

Thumbnail color studies for a cyberpunk bedroom concept

A background painting for the 2-D short film "Onnamusha," painted in Photoshop

A background painting for the 2-D short film "Onnamusha," painted in Photoshop

A background painting for the 2-D short film "Onnamusha," painted in Photoshop

A painting study for a Taylor Swift fanzine project, using screenshots of the "Cardigan" music video as reference, painted in Photoshop

A background painting study using screenshots of Noveria from the "Mass Effect" series as reference, painted in Photoshop

A background painting study using screenshots of "Cyberpunk 2077's" Afterlife as reference, painted in Photoshop

A background painting study using screenshots of The Citadel's lower levels from the "Mass Effect" series as reference, painted in Photoshop

A background painting concept for the 2-D short film series "Seyfriel," painted in Photoshop

A background painting study using screenshots of The Citadel from the "Mass Effect" series as reference, painted in Photoshop

A background painting inspired by the Northwest and post-apocalyptic environments, painted with watercolors, colored pencil, and white ink on cotton paper

A background painting of the magical girl witch Rosemary's bedroom corner, painted in Photoshop

A background painting study using screenshots of Sera's Skyhold hideout from "Dragon Age: Inquisition" as reference, painted in Photoshop

A layout from the SCAD short film, "The Happiest Place," painted in Photoshop (designed by Alex Batchelor)

A layout from the SCAD short film, "Cookie Mobsters," painted in Photoshop (designed by Salem Raven)

A layout from the SCAD short film, "The Happiest Place," painted in Photoshop

A layout from the SCAD short film, "Cookie Mobsters," painted in Photoshop (designed by Salem Raven)

A pixel art study of Usagi Tsukino's house from "Sailor Moon," painted in Photoshop

A background painting inspired by the city of Denerim in "Dragon Age: Origins," painted in Photoshop

A background painting inspired by the repetitive cave designs in "Dragon Age: 2," painted in Photoshop